English, Korean

2015.11.02 | 렉시스 코리아 New Student


이번주는 9명의 새로운 학생들과  렉시스에서 첫 수업을 시작했어요.
일본에서 온 미유키/ 독일에서 온 헤나,알리시야 / 영국에서 온 인디아 / 프랑스에서 온 줄리안/ 스위스에서 온 케빈 / 스웨덴에서 온 규현!! 그리고 스웨덴에서 다시 돌아온 카린 과 노르웨서 다시 돌아온 라스무스 !!

이번주, 렉시스 신입학생들은 각자 다른 7개국에서 온 한국에 관심이 많은 학생이에요. 신입 학생들을 만나면 반갑게 인사해주세요. 환영합니다!

9 new students commence their studying at Lexis Korea from this week.
Miyuki from Japan, Hannah and Alicia from Germany, India from UK, Julien from France, Kevin from Switzerland, Sweden from Kyu Hyun, Karin returns Sweden and Rasmus returns from Norway !

9 students are from 7 different countries! They are interested in learing Korean and Korea culture. Please say ‘Hello/안녕하세요’ and big welcome to our new students.We hope you have and great memories and good experience with Lexis Korea!

English, Korean

2015.09.30 |렉시스코리아 New students


9/30(월)부터 2명의 새로운 학생들과 렉시스에서 첫 수업을 시작했어요.
스위스에서 온 파비앙, 프랑스에서 온 제라드!
이번주, 렉시스 신입학생 인원은 적지만 각자 다른 2개국에서 온 한국에 관심이 많은 학생이에요. 신입 학생들을 만나면 반갑게 인사해주세요

2new students commence their studying at Lexis Korea from 30th Sep.2015.
Fabienne from Switzerland and Gerard from France!
2 students are from 2 different countries! There are only 2 students, they are interested in learing Korean and Korea culture.
Please say ‘Hello/안녕하세요’ and big welcome to our new students.
We hope you have and great memories and good experience with Lexis Korea!

English, Korean

렉시스 벼룩시장 기부내역 | Report of the 1st Lexis Flea Market Contribution

렉시스코리아_기부항목       아름다운 가게 기부영수증Katembo, three, takes a drink of therapeutic feeding formula for malnourished children at the Kitatumba hospital in Butembo, Democratic Republic of Congo. Since the most recent outbreaks of fighting in August, nutrition centers in the eastern Democratic Republic of Congo have seen a significant increase in the number of children suffering from severe malnutrition. A staggering 31% of under 5s are moderately or severely underweight. Save the Children has been setting up nutrition centres in Democratyic Republic of Congo: treating 1,500 malnourished children over the past year, educating mothers about how to give children the best diet and looking at practical ways to help families get better access to food. We hope to reach another 5,000 children under five by 2010. 농어촌놀이터_2 농어촌놀이터_1 09/05/08-Ponds Sand Filter-Photo/Jeff Holt M. Baliatoli, Barguna District, Bangladesh- Isa, age 7, Shamim, age 10 and Firoz, age 8, play in the water from a Sands Pond Filter water tank built under the WASH program. released 책걸상_2 Schneider, nine, washes his hands at a latrine and hand washing station in IDP camp Acra 1, Port au Prince, Haiti. Around 1000 families live in this camp, squeezed onto a forrested hillside. Save the Children has supported this camp by building 3 latrine stations with approximately 10 toilets each. We've also trained volunteer hygiene promoters and have carried out sanitation and hygiene education activities for both adults and children in the camp. Save the Children has been working to improve the water and sanitation situation of camps like Acra 1 and has set up child-friendly spaces where children can come and play in a safe environment while their parents go about other activities, such as gathering water, rebuilding their homes or re-establishing their livelihoods.책걸상_1 신발_2 신발_1 필수약품5종_2필수약품5종_1 Belaynesh, 4, comes to the clinic in Bona, Ethiopia every week to get Plumpy¡¯Nut. Her weight increases every day. More than 80% of people live on less than US a day. And one in ten children die before their fifth birthday. Many children suffer from malnourishment ? even in a good year, when the rains or crops don't fail, around 5 million people need help to get enough to eat. Save the Children has been present Ethiopia since 1965 and work in Afar, Amhara and Somali regions, with government, local communities and other agencies. In the long term, Save the Children help rural families get enough food to last them all year round. We're improving the quality of healthcare available to some of the poorest people.

여러분의 참여로 진행 된 렉시스 벼룩시장에 모금 된 총 금액과 사용처를 안내 할께요.
지난 7월 렉시스에서는 여러분이 사용하지 않는 물건과 물품을 기증받아 판매 및 스낵코너를 마련하여 기부행사를 진행하였습니다.
사용하지 않는 물건들은 새로운 주인을 만나 다시 사용할 수 있게 되었고 벼룩시장을 통해 발생한 금액은 세이브 더 칠드런과 아름다운 가게를 통해 기부되었습니다.

#기부해 주신 물품으로 발생한 수익금 20만원은 세이브더칠드런 ‘ 아동을 살리는 선물가게’ 총6개 항목에 기부했습니다.
기부된 내역은 아래 내용을 확인해주시고 기증처에서 제공한 사진을 확인하시면 어떤 곳에 사용 되는지 알 수 있어요.
-신발: 1만원
-5세 미만 영유아 살리기 필수 약품5종: 1만원
-비상식량: 3만원
-책걸상: 5만원
-농어촌 놀이터 짓기: 5만원(국내)
-깨끗한 식수와 화장실: 5만원
총 20만원

#벼룩시장 후 남은 물품은 ‘아름다운 가게’에 기증하였습니다.
물건을 금액으로 환산하여 약 18만원 정도의 기부금이 발생하였습니다. 그 영수내용은 이미지 파일을 확인해주세요.

렉시스의 많은 학생분들과 스텦분들을 통해 조금이나마 도움이 되는 곳에 따뜻한 마음을 전달 할 수 있었어요.
일회성으로 끝나는 이벤트가 아닌 제2회,3회 벼룩시장 개최를 통해 좀 더 나은 세상을 만들 수 있도록 렉시스도 함께 노력할께요.
기부 및 구매에 참여해 주시고 도움을 주신 많은 분들 모두 감사 드려요!

Let us share you the results of your contributions to the Lexis Flea Market and how the money was donated. Last July, Lexis Korea held a flea market with your loved but no longer needed ‘stuff’. Your unused ‘stuff’ hopefully became someone else’s treasure, but more importantly the donation was provided to Save the Children and Beautiful Store charities.

We contributed 200,000 won to Save the Children and Beautiful Store to aid in the purchase and construction of the six items below.
You can check the full details on the Save the Children and Beautiful Store websites.
– Shoes : 10,000 won
– 5 Essential medicine to save young children from 0 to 4 years old : 10,000 won
– Emergency food : 30,000 won
– Desks & chairs : 50,000 won
– Building a playground in rural areas : 50,000 won
– Clean water & rest rooms : 50,000 won
In total : 200,000 won
Your loved but leftover ‘stuff’ was donated to Beautiful Store. Please check the attached file. When sold, your ‘stuff’ will bring in 180,000 for Beautiful Store, making it a grand total of 380,000 won.

Thanks to you, we were able to deliver our kindness to where it was most needed. We hope to meet you at another Lexis flea market in the near future. We would be very grateful for your participation, as would the children.

English, Korean

2015.09.21 |렉시스코리아 New students

20150921 Students  20150921 Name tag

5명의 새로운 학생들과 렉시스에서 첫 수업을 시작했어요.
네덜란드에서 온 김용수, 일본에서 온 타쿠마, 호주에서 온 윌리암, 그리고 프랑스에서 온 사라, 독일에서 온 엘리자베스!
이번주, 렉시스 신입학생 인원은 적지만 각자 다른 5개국에서 온 학생들이에요~
신입 학생들을 만나면 반갑게 인사해주세요

5 new students commence their studying at Lexis Korea from today.
Yong Soo from Netherlands, Takuma from Japan, William Australia, Sarah from France and Elisabeth from Germany!
5 students are from 5 different countries!
Please say ‘Hello/안녕하세요’ and big welcome to our new students.
We hope you have and great memories and good experience with Lexis Korea!

English, Korean

제1회 렉시스 벼룩시장 | 2015.07.24 Flea Market

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여러분의 참여로 만들어지는 렉시스 벼룩시장!

더이상 사용하지 않는 물건들을 기증받아 필요한 곳에서 사용이 가능하도록 판매합니다. 발생한 모든 수익금과 물품은 전액 기부하며 일회성 이벤트가 아닌 지속적인 참여를 통해 좀 더 나은 사회를 만들 수 있도록 렉시스가 함께 할께요.
기증해주신 모든 분들 및 참여해주신 모든 분들께 감사드리며 모든 기부내역은 공개될 예정이에요. 감사해요!

We will be very pleased if you could donate your items that you no longer use or need. Every single donation will be wholeheartedly welcomed. People who donate items will be given some coupons which can be redeemed for purchasing goods from others in the flea market.

As this is a part of our non-profit charity business, all the profit comes from the flea market will directly go to the international charity organization called ‘Save the children’ (The whole process of this charity event will be transparently published afterwards). Through this event, children who are in need will be provided with basic daily necessities and stationary for school. For domestic children, especially shoes, backpacks, personal computers and school supplies, for children abroad, particularly powdered formula, dippers, mosquito nets and blankets for new-born babies are recommended. There is no need to worry about items for donation. You can still participate in our charity event as long as you can make a purchase in cash. Please be reminded that things you think are not worthy to use can be a prerequisite for living for some people somewhere in the world.

Flea market for better world! One stone three birds!
You can enjoy our event socializing with your friends with tasty refreshments and this is all for helping the marginalized!

제 1회 벼룩시장 : 2015. 07.24